Saturday, October 25, 2008


This past week and a half I have the opportunity to fellowship with other missionaries in Greece. It has truly been a time of encouragement and refreshment. The best part about being here with all of these neat people is just spending time with them, listening to them tell their stories, and knowing that I am not alone. I've also really enjoyed the times of song during the services. I did not realize how much I missed not only understanding the words of the songs but also being able to sing along with other believers. It has been great!
One night, some of us single girls went and had dinner at an Italian restaurant. I think this has been my favorite restaurant here so far!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jennifer!

Just when we need sweet fellowship, our Lord sends the right people our way. I am thankful that each ABWE missionary had the opportunity to share God's blessings and enjoy time together.
