Thursday, December 11, 2008

There's no place like home...

Yesterday morning I woke up at 4:15am to get ready to head to the airport. After traveling for a total of thirteen hours (plus a two hour layover), I arrived at Dulles Airport on December 10th. It was about 10:20pm Czech time, so needless to say, I was tired. I knew I was back in America when I walked into the airport and heard Christmas music playing! However, the best sight was walking out to see Dustin and my parents waiting for me. The whole thing felt very surreal. We then went to Chili's to get a mushroom swiss cheeseburger. I don't know if it was just because I hadn't eaten this type of food in awhile, but it was the best mushroom swiss cheeseburger I had ever eaten! So, I haven't even been back in the U.S. for twenty-four hours yet, but I can say it is good to be home. It's true when Dorothy said, "There's no place like home." And I'm so thankful I'm here to celebrate Christmas!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Driving in Europe

Well, I must say that I never would have imagined that I would ever drive in another country, but I have. In fact, I have driven in two countries - Czech Republic and Austria. It still is a little bit unreal to me. When I first got here, I was scared to drive. Everyone seemed to drive so fast, and the speed limits seemed very high. It's 130 kilometers per hour on the interstate. Though that equals out to about 80 miles per hour, it just seemed so much faster. Of course, the signs were different and many of the road rules varied too. For instance, in the Czech, you always have to drive with your headlights on. Plus, drivers are not allowed to talk on the cell phone when they drive. Now that I've been here a couple of months, I rarely even think about it. It's neat how I've gotten use to things that first overwhelmed me.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Today we experienced our first snowfall. Though the snowfall didn't last that long or accumulate very much, it was very pretty. I was headed out to the Barnes' house when I realized that the rain had turned to snow. Of course, I don't like driving in even the slightest winter weather, so I hurried on over. It was fun though because I got to "run" in the snow!

Let It Snow!
Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we've no place to go
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

It doesn't show signs of stopping
And I've bought some corn for popping
The lights are turned way down low
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

When we finally kiss goodnight
How I'll hate going out in the storm!
But if you'll really hold me tight
All the way home I'll be warm

The fire is slowly dying
And, my dear, we're still goodbying
But as long as you love me so
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

(Lyrics taken from

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Liz came to visit!

My friend Liz Byrd came to visit me for a week. I must say it was one of the most encouraging times for me. Before, I supported short term trips overseas to partner with missionaries. Now, I highly suggest it. It's nice for someone else to have a visual of where you live, what you're doing, the ministry, etc. Plus, it's lots of fun!

This is me and Liz on the Charles Bridge in Prague. It was so cold!

Here we are at the castle in Cesky Krumlov.

In the town square in Ceske Budejovice

Gift Giving

When you are invited to a Czech home, there is one thing you must do. You must bring a gift. It is considered very rude if you do not. Gifts can include flowers, candy, candles, etc. Also, it must be presented as a gift. In other words, if you pick up flowers at the store, you must remove the plastic wrap and then wrap it as a gift. Candy should be placed in a gift bag, etc. In addition, you must be careful what type of flowers you give and how many. Odd number flowers are given as gifts; even numbers are given at funerals. Red carnations should not be given as gifts. This cultural rule has kept me alert the couple of times I have been in Czech homes.

I was thinking about this tradition and trying to decide if we had anything like it in the States. I would compare it to bringing part of the meal. If you're invited to someone's home in the States, you usually offer to bring dessert, a drink, etc. That way, you help lessen the burden of the one preparing the meal. This is the closest thing I could think of as being comparable to gift giving to the host family in the Czech.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Snail Mail

One of the ways God has blessed me while I've been here is through the encouragement of others. Not only have I rediscovered the excitement of "snail mail," but I've also realized how much of an encouragement it can be. It's not the stuff that's inside; it's the realization that people are still thinking about you. I've watched the Barnes' kids' faces light up when they see a package. Of course, we all like to get the "stuff" inside. And it's so exciting when anybody gets a package. For instance, the other day, Dustin sent me a package with the new High School Musical 3 soundtrack and a magazine. The kids were almost as excited to see what it was as I was (not quite though). :) It was neat because I was able to share the magazine with the girls. Several of us got to benefit from the package's contents. Perhaps the cards or notes that are inside is the most encouraging thing though. I really like to get updates from home (or Thailand). Since I've enjoyed it this much, I've tried to send at least one "snail mail" card home a week too. This way, hopefully, others can rediscover this joy!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Christmas Anticipation

I must admit that while I write this post, I am listening to Mercy Me's Christmas cd and enjoying every minute of it. In fact, I'll confess, I've been listening to Christmas music consistently since I returned from Greece (the end of October).

I just love Christmas time. It's not the one day of the year (though I do really enjoy the particular day); it's the anticipation of the day. In the USA, I imagine stores are decorated for Christmas. Since Halloween is over, the Christmas merchandise has probably been moved to the front of the stores. The stores attempt to put irresitible sales out to customers, and the spending begins. After Thanksgiving, neighbors begin to put lights up and blow up snowmen in their front yards.

However, it's not all the commercialism of the holiday that really gets me. I love the time with family and friends. In fact, I'm anticipating it this year probably more than ever. One, I have a new appreciation of my Savior who came to a people who would not understand Him. Two, I will truly treasure the time with my family and friends. It'll involve trying to tickle my mom by reading the clues on the presents a few days before Christmas or singing "Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer" with my brother. It's going to be making our seafood dinner on Christmas Eve with my brothers or begging my dad to go look at Christmas lights. It'll be watching Dustin's face light up with his super good "Czech" present or thanking the Lord that I get to spend another holiday with both sets of grandparents.

God has truly blessed me again. And though, while I'm enjoying my time in the Czech now, I look forward to this Christmas season. Not only do I get to experience a little of it in two different cultures, I really do have a new perspective of Christmas this year. I'm so thankful.

"A God Thing"

You ever have one of those times when God totally knocks your socks off? I had one of those moments recently. I had been having a tough weekend. (Weekends can be lonely.) Well, needless to say, I was having a "woe is me" time. I had taken my perspective off God and had placed it on myself. Well, without going into a lot of detail, God set me straight. He provided me with encouragement and reminded me why I am here. It was probably the highlight of my time so far. It was one of those times when I had to look back and say, "Only God could have orchestrated that! I am so blessed!"

Saturday, October 25, 2008


This past week and a half I have the opportunity to fellowship with other missionaries in Greece. It has truly been a time of encouragement and refreshment. The best part about being here with all of these neat people is just spending time with them, listening to them tell their stories, and knowing that I am not alone. I've also really enjoyed the times of song during the services. I did not realize how much I missed not only understanding the words of the songs but also being able to sing along with other believers. It has been great!
One night, some of us single girls went and had dinner at an Italian restaurant. I think this has been my favorite restaurant here so far!

Monday, October 13, 2008

More pictures

Cesky Krumlov

I just love the buildings here!
Divčí Kámen - castle ruins

Zuzana and her son, Samuel

A beautiful view on our walk back

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

House Shoes

For the most part, house shoes are an option in the U.S. People generally wear them either because they are more comfortable than regular shoes or because their feet are cold. However, in the Czech, "regular" shoes are not allowed in the house. When you enter a Czech home, the first thing you do is take off your shoes. You then either walk around in your socks or put on some house shoes. In fact, many homes have some sort of storage that you place your "regular" shoes on while you visit.

Let me note a couple benefits of not wearing "regular" shoes in the house. First of all, you don't have to worry about your floors getting scuffed up. Secondly, your floors don't get as dirty or muddy. Lastly, and my favorite reason, since the floors don't get as dirty, you have less cleaning to do.

You will notice that I have some "elf" shoes on in the picture. In the schools, children are required to bring another pair of shoes to wear inside. Thus, visitors who do not bring their own pair of house shoes, are required to wear shoe coverings. The blue "elf" shoes were my "house shoes"!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Being a tourist :)

So, I finally decided to do a little bit of sight seeing. Yesterday, I ventured out on my own to visit the square in C. Budejovice. Though it was sprinkling, I enjoyed my little adventure. I climbed the clock tower and viewed the city from above...absolutely beautiful!
Then, today, Eva and I ventured out to visit the castle in Hluboka. Here's a Czech lesson for you. In Czech, "Hluboka" means "deep." Hluboka possibly derived its name from a deep well that used to be on the property. (I learned this from the English tour I took of the castle.) The weather was cold, but Eva and I had a good time. I really enjoyed spending time with her as well as getting to see another beautiful sight of the Czech Republic.
This is the view of the square in C. Budejovice from the clock tower.

In the middle of the square in C. Budejovice stands this monument. I'm not sure if it represents anything or not. To the right of the picture, you'll see the clock tower I climbed!

This is Eva and I in front of the Hluboka castle.

The Hlubka Castle - absolutely beautiful and quite fascinating!

This is me enjoying the fall weather.

Monday, September 29, 2008

"My tree"

So, did you ever have that special place you went to as a kid? Sometimes you would go there to be alone; other times you went there to relish a secret. It was that place that was yours. Well, I've got a special tree here. I know; it sounds quite funny. This is the first tree I noticed which had leaves changing. It's also right by the river. I've walked down to the tree several times now. God has used its beauty to remind me He is there. Just as He is changing the tree for this season, so He has a purpose for me for right now. Looking at "my tree" reminds me to not only look to the Lord but to trust Him in this new season. I am thankful for His reminder...even in a tree.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Counting my blessings...

One thing that never fails to amaze me is God's "little" blessings - especially on those days when things aren't going just like we planned. One thing that I have committed to do while I am here is to thank God for at least one blessing every day. Here are some of the blessings I have been counting~
  • The Barnes (the missionary family)
  • Skype (The program I'm using to stay in contact with friends and family back home).
  • Making my very first trip to Tesco (a grocery store) by myself
  • Using the Posta (post office) by myself
  • Seeing a lady from the Czech church at the grocery store and saying hello
  • Getting mail :)
  • Enjoying a brisk walk
  • Building a relationship with Eva (my Czech friend)
  • Learning new things from my Bible study
  • Asking for bags in the grocery store and actually getting one!
  • Encouragement from family and friends back home
  • Being able to remember the way to the store

God has allowed me to find joy in the "little" things, and I am so grateful. I was on skype with Kristi, and we were laughing at how a simple accomplishment, such as grocery shopping by yourself, can be rewarding! I never would have thought about that back home, but now, I am grateful.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The view from my side of the world...

Just down the street...

This is the river that runs through Borsov.

This is actually the view from the kitchen window (which would be the backside of the house/apartment.)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


It's cold here! Yesterday, it was six degrees celsius. Basically, that coverts to around forty-three degrees fahrenheit. So, I've been wearing long sleeves, sweaters, and/or jackets. Apparently this is a cold streak. I hope so! I will admit though that as a result of the cold weather, I turned on a Christmas movie (The Polar Express) last night while I was making spaghetti. I've also already dug in to some of my hot chocolate too. :)

I've indulged in a couple of other comforts since being here. One would be chex mix! Yummy! Another has been candy pumpkins. I'm trying to ration myself so that I will have some in a couple of weeks. I don't know how well that is working though (especially with the chex mix). I really like chex mix and candy pumpkins! Needless to say, the comforts have been worth it. :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

I made it!

Well, I made it. I actually had a fairly easy time getting here. All my flights were on time. The actual flights were smooth. I only slept a little bit on the flights, so needless to say, I was pretty tired when I arrived. My luggage all arrived with me. I saw one of God's blessings early. One of my bag had a rip in it, but I got here with all my stuff! The Barnes met me at the airport where we then had a two hour drive to my new home for three months. The Barnes have been great!

I will have to write more about the Czech in a later post, but I wanted to write a bit about life right before I left. Dustin came to spend a few days with me. My parents took us to the circus. The next day we hiked down to see a waterfall! Well, it was more of a "falls" then a waterfall, but it was still fun. Then, on Saturday, we (Dustin, my parents, and I) left for the airport. Some of my wonderful friends surprised me by meeting me at Chili's. Then they saw me off at the airport. Saying goodbye was harder than I thought it was going to be.

I've received a few assignments for my time here, and I'm excited to have something "mine." Please continue to pray! I'll write more when I get the internet hooked up in my apartment.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Packed, but not quite ready...

Well, I'm less than seventy-two hours from heading out. I can hardly believe it. I've spent this week mostly packing, doing last minute shopping, helping out around the house, and getting ready for Dustin to come. I still have a few more things to get from the store and a few things left to pack. Other than that, I'm pretty much ready...or at least I think I am. I've also been getting some last-minute advice from some of my friends who have lived or are currently living overseas. They have been a blessing!

Please continue to keep me in your prayers. I need it. Hopefully the next time, I'll have some pictures to post of the Czech Republic!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Still plugging away...

After a great birthday weekend, I am plugging away at getting things ready for the Czech. I'm working on getting my international license (for I will be driving when I get over there), finishing up thank-you cards, making my packing list, shopping for items, etc. I hope to actually start packing everything at the beginning of next week. I can hardly believe I am only a week and a half a way!

The Lord continues to bless as I have received more money from friends and family. I am overwhelmed at the way God has moved in that regards...I just can't quite get my mind wrapped around it. I know that when I actually get overseas, I will continue to witness Him at work. I am blessed to be able to be a small part of His plan.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

God is good!

I can honestly say that the last month has been amazing. When I first started raising support, I struggled to see how in the world I would get the money to go, but God has knocked my socks off! I am now fully supported and financially cleared to go to the Czech Republic. I also bought my plane ticket! I leave for the Czech Republic on Saturday, September 13th! I will spend eighty-nine days there (returning on December 10th).

One of God's biggest blessings has been my churches' support. Not only did my church in VA really help me out, but so did my church in NC! This past weekend I had the opportunity to speak to the church in which I grew up. This church family, once again, showered me with their love and support (as they have done my entire life). God reminded me what a blessing it is to have an extended family in the Lord.

So, now I am keeping busy helping my parents around the house and getting things ready for to go for the Czech. Though it is somewhat overwhelming to think of living in another country for three months, I am excited to get going. I look forward to seeing how God continues to move in this next adventure!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Where I'm at now...

Well, friends, I wanted to give you guys an update on where I'm at in my progress in going to the Czech Republic. Right now, it looks like I might be heading out the first half of September. I'm still waiting on a little more financial support to come in. Keep praying! I am speaking at my church in NC this weekend. Pray that God will burden others to partner with us in ministry.

I wanted to post a couple pics of the spaghetti fundraiser my family, my Sunday school class, and I did at Forest Baptist. It went really well! God has really blessed me through a great Sunday school class and a wonderful church family in VA.

Check back at the blog. I'll try post updates on when I'm leaving, contact info., etc. I look forward to seeing how God continues to move!