Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gift Giving

When you are invited to a Czech home, there is one thing you must do. You must bring a gift. It is considered very rude if you do not. Gifts can include flowers, candy, candles, etc. Also, it must be presented as a gift. In other words, if you pick up flowers at the store, you must remove the plastic wrap and then wrap it as a gift. Candy should be placed in a gift bag, etc. In addition, you must be careful what type of flowers you give and how many. Odd number flowers are given as gifts; even numbers are given at funerals. Red carnations should not be given as gifts. This cultural rule has kept me alert the couple of times I have been in Czech homes.

I was thinking about this tradition and trying to decide if we had anything like it in the States. I would compare it to bringing part of the meal. If you're invited to someone's home in the States, you usually offer to bring dessert, a drink, etc. That way, you help lessen the burden of the one preparing the meal. This is the closest thing I could think of as being comparable to gift giving to the host family in the Czech.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,
I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and we missed having you with us on our shopping trip. Please leave that day open for shopping next year. Okay?
We are looking forward to your return and praying that God will keep you safe.
Love and God Bless! Popaw and Momaw