Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Snail Mail

One of the ways God has blessed me while I've been here is through the encouragement of others. Not only have I rediscovered the excitement of "snail mail," but I've also realized how much of an encouragement it can be. It's not the stuff that's inside; it's the realization that people are still thinking about you. I've watched the Barnes' kids' faces light up when they see a package. Of course, we all like to get the "stuff" inside. And it's so exciting when anybody gets a package. For instance, the other day, Dustin sent me a package with the new High School Musical 3 soundtrack and a magazine. The kids were almost as excited to see what it was as I was (not quite though). :) It was neat because I was able to share the magazine with the girls. Several of us got to benefit from the package's contents. Perhaps the cards or notes that are inside is the most encouraging thing though. I really like to get updates from home (or Thailand). Since I've enjoyed it this much, I've tried to send at least one "snail mail" card home a week too. This way, hopefully, others can rediscover this joy!

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