Sunday, November 30, 2008

Driving in Europe

Well, I must say that I never would have imagined that I would ever drive in another country, but I have. In fact, I have driven in two countries - Czech Republic and Austria. It still is a little bit unreal to me. When I first got here, I was scared to drive. Everyone seemed to drive so fast, and the speed limits seemed very high. It's 130 kilometers per hour on the interstate. Though that equals out to about 80 miles per hour, it just seemed so much faster. Of course, the signs were different and many of the road rules varied too. For instance, in the Czech, you always have to drive with your headlights on. Plus, drivers are not allowed to talk on the cell phone when they drive. Now that I've been here a couple of months, I rarely even think about it. It's neat how I've gotten use to things that first overwhelmed me.

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