Saturday, September 20, 2008

The view from my side of the world...

Just down the street...

This is the river that runs through Borsov.

This is actually the view from the kitchen window (which would be the backside of the house/apartment.)


Martha said...

The pictures are great! I had been wondering what it looked like there and the pictures gave me an idea. Is the river near your apartment? Save some Czech mix for me! We love you! Popaw and Momaw

Anonymous said...

Hey Jennifer!
I enjoyed the pictures of Borsov. I continue to pray for you as you form new relationships.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jennifer ... I'm so proud of you and the steps of faith you take on a daily basis. Thank you for sharing your exciting adventure. May God bless and protect you and allow you to accomplish His purpose during this time. Love, Ms. Jeannie