Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Counting my blessings...

One thing that never fails to amaze me is God's "little" blessings - especially on those days when things aren't going just like we planned. One thing that I have committed to do while I am here is to thank God for at least one blessing every day. Here are some of the blessings I have been counting~
  • The Barnes (the missionary family)
  • Skype (The program I'm using to stay in contact with friends and family back home).
  • Making my very first trip to Tesco (a grocery store) by myself
  • Using the Posta (post office) by myself
  • Seeing a lady from the Czech church at the grocery store and saying hello
  • Getting mail :)
  • Enjoying a brisk walk
  • Building a relationship with Eva (my Czech friend)
  • Learning new things from my Bible study
  • Asking for bags in the grocery store and actually getting one!
  • Encouragement from family and friends back home
  • Being able to remember the way to the store

God has allowed me to find joy in the "little" things, and I am so grateful. I was on skype with Kristi, and we were laughing at how a simple accomplishment, such as grocery shopping by yourself, can be rewarding! I never would have thought about that back home, but now, I am grateful.

1 comment:

Martha said...

We are so thankful for the many blessings that God has blessed you with.
Love and God Bless!
Popaw and Momaw