Monday, September 15, 2008

I made it!

Well, I made it. I actually had a fairly easy time getting here. All my flights were on time. The actual flights were smooth. I only slept a little bit on the flights, so needless to say, I was pretty tired when I arrived. My luggage all arrived with me. I saw one of God's blessings early. One of my bag had a rip in it, but I got here with all my stuff! The Barnes met me at the airport where we then had a two hour drive to my new home for three months. The Barnes have been great!

I will have to write more about the Czech in a later post, but I wanted to write a bit about life right before I left. Dustin came to spend a few days with me. My parents took us to the circus. The next day we hiked down to see a waterfall! Well, it was more of a "falls" then a waterfall, but it was still fun. Then, on Saturday, we (Dustin, my parents, and I) left for the airport. Some of my wonderful friends surprised me by meeting me at Chili's. Then they saw me off at the airport. Saying goodbye was harder than I thought it was going to be.

I've received a few assignments for my time here, and I'm excited to have something "mine." Please continue to pray! I'll write more when I get the internet hooked up in my apartment.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jennifer!
We are relieved to hear that your luggage made it through - Isn't God faithful?! Sounds like you're off to a good start. Dad and I look forward to hearing how God continues to work through the Barnes family and you.
We love you and pray for you often.

Dad and Mom

Martha said...

We are so thankful that you arrived safely and that the Barnes' were there to help you get settled into your apartment. Please let them know tht we appreciate them helping you become adjusted there. We pray that God will continue to use you as you minister to and share Christ with others. We also pray that God will protect you and keep you safe.
Love and God Bless! Popaw and Momaw

Cindy said...

I was grading papers and decided I needed a break. So glad to hear that you arrived safely. Our prayers were answered. :)