Thursday, September 11, 2008

Packed, but not quite ready...

Well, I'm less than seventy-two hours from heading out. I can hardly believe it. I've spent this week mostly packing, doing last minute shopping, helping out around the house, and getting ready for Dustin to come. I still have a few more things to get from the store and a few things left to pack. Other than that, I'm pretty much ready...or at least I think I am. I've also been getting some last-minute advice from some of my friends who have lived or are currently living overseas. They have been a blessing!

Please continue to keep me in your prayers. I need it. Hopefully the next time, I'll have some pictures to post of the Czech Republic!


Anonymous said...

Jen - I will keep you in my thoughts and pragers - I keep your card in the visor in may car - this will be an adventure for you - enjoy every minute of it - May God bless every step of your journey - keep in touch - and we look forward to seeing you when you return.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you jennifer lenker. I miss you!


Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been there today to see you off!!! I hope you had a safe flight! You will definitely be missed! I love you and miss you! and im praying for you!!!

Natasha (aka Tashy)

Anonymous said...

You made it! What an adventure we've had watching God provide for each need! Now you are in the very place our Lord prepared for you. Although I miss you, Jennifer, I know that God will use you in amazing ways as you continue to seek Him daily. The weeks will be full and pass quickly. Before you realize it, you will be packing for the trip home. Remember that I continually pray for you.
